We who know the Lord do not deserve to live in the light any more than those who still live in darkness do. And at times when we look at the lost souls around us a feeling of bad consciousness come over us because of the fact that we have been made partakers while they haven’t. We, in ourselves, do not deserve to be partakers any more than they do. But mixed with the feeling of bad consciousness is a feeling of love and eagerness to show them the one and only way to God. God - the one who did it for us and the only one who will ever be able to really deliver those still in darkness from its power. And again, mixed with the feeling of bad consciousness, love and eagerness we are also overwhelmed by a thankfulness to God that He in His grace has chosen to draw us unto Himself…”giving thanks to the Father” as v12 says.
But at times it seems impossible for simple people like us to be able to change anything about the condition of the lost souls. And ofcourse it is impossible – for us. But God is greater. God has qualified us to be partakers in the light and God can also qualify anyone around us to be partakers in the light. God can free anyone out of the power of darkness and convey them into the kingdom of His Son.
So let us ask the Lord to give us all the wisdom, power and love to daily be those whom He effectively can use to bring the message about His Son out to those people who still live in darkness.