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Front 242 - live @ Amager Bio, København, 11.01.2025

SETLIST: W.Y.H.I.W.Y.G. Moldavia Body to body Don't crash Operating tracks No shuffle Quite unusual Generator Commando mix Hide and seek Red team Take one Masterhit Tragedy >for you< Fix it Welcome to paradise ENCORE: Happiness (more angels) Headhunter ENCORE 2: Work 242

Einstürzende Neubauten - Perpetuum Mobile tour 2004 and Grundstück tour 2004

The Perpetuum Mobile tour was relased on 45 double cds. I listended through them all, and made these notes...

Warsaw, Poland, 29 February 2004 – venue: Stodola

(note: just one cd recorded from this performance)

(M.U.: no humming noise on this recording but especially Blixa’s voice is recorded badly throughout – as if the volume was too high)

cd 1 (57:19)

track 01             dead friends (around the corner) (M.U.: cuts off after about 3 mins.)

track 05             ein leichtes leises säusseln (M.U.: only the last 1.5 mins. are there)

track 06             perpetuum mobile (note: starts with tin cans getting thrown around on stage)

track 22             redukt

track 33             (note: a guy in audience asks Blixa to talk English just after Blixa says something in English)

track 34             youme & meyou (note: Blixa changing the lyrics completely)

track 42             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 48             neun arme (note: sounds much different from the versions played later on the tour)

track 54             haus der lüge




Leipzig, Germany, 1 March 2004 – venue: Werk Li, Halle A

(M.U.: humming noise (microphone noise or whatever it is) is audible throughout recording)

cd1 (55:49)

track 02             selbstportrait mit kater

track 08             dead friends (around the corner)

track 14             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 20             perpetuum mobile (note: starts with Blixa turning on radio and the tin cans getting thrown on stage)

track 34             redukt

track 45             youme & meyou

track 51             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (63:45)

track 01             neun arme (M.U.: beginning missing)

track 03             rampe: “”scandidaten””           

track 07             haus der lüge

track 12             seltener vogel (note: commenting on an annoying guy in the audience Blixa says: „es gibt momente, da möchte man einfach nach hause gehen dann“)

track 22             ozean & brandung

track 22             paradiesseits

track 31             grundstück

track 38             sabrina

track 44             rampe: ich warte

track 52             ich gehe jetzt

track 59             alles

track 65             (note: a couple of seconds of the aftershow music (Alfred Schnittke “requiem for an unknown actor” from “filmworks”) can be heard)




Zagreb, Croatia, 3 March 2004 – venue:

(M.U.: very low humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (69:52)

track 03             selbstportrait mit kater (note: the lyrics are partly Croatian, I think)

track 10             dead friends (around the corner)

track 16             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 22             perpetuum mobile (note: starts with Blixa turning on radio and the tin cans getting thrown on stage)

track 36             (note: Blixa complaining about the dirt and glass splinters on stage)

track 36             redukt

track 48             youme & meyou

track 53             (note: Blixa talking about a festival they played in Croatia – and talks about scars)

track 56             haus der lüge/armenia/neun arme

cd2 (66:39)

track 01             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: start missing)

track 06             seltener vogel

track 18             ozean & brandung

track 19             paradiesseits

track 29             (note: Blixa complaining about an annoying guy in audience)

track 30             grundstück

track 37             sabrina

track 43             rampe: this is gonna end low in volume, “the answer is simple no”

track 52             ich gehe jetzt

track 58             (note: Blixa complaining about the audience and then introducing EN’s lineup)

track 63             alles                 




Bologna, Italy, 4 March 2004 – venue: Teatro Delle Celebrazione

(M.U.: lower humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (51:34)

track 02             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07             dead friends (around the corner)

track 12             perpetuum mobile

track 28             redukt

track 38             (note: Blixa happy about the quietness of the audience)

track 39             youme & meyou

track 46             neun arme (M.U.: only the beginning and end of the song is there)

track 47             rampe: “funkelnagelneu – she is smiling”

cd2 (61:40)

track 01             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: start missing)

track 05             seltener vogel

track 17             ozean & brandung

track 18             paradiesseits

track 23             grundstück

track 30             selbstportrait mit kater

track 43             haus der lüge/armenia

track 52             sabrina

track 58             ich gehe jetzt




Rome, Italy, 5 March 2004 – venue: Spazio Boario

(M.U.: humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (67:16)

track 02             selbstportrait mit kater

track 09             (note: Blixa saying how amazed they are that there are so many people present)

track 10             dead friends (around the corner)

track 16             ein leichtes leises säusseln (note: beginning from end of track mark 16 there’s a dog barking)

track 21             (note: Blixa saying that a cat is sitting under Rudi’s chair – behind the drumset)

track 21             perpetuum mobil (note: starts off without Blixa’s radio intro)

track 35             redukt              

track 47             youme & meyou

track 52             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 59             armenia

track 65             haus der lüge

cd2 (47:59)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds missing)

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 11             paradiesseits

track 15             (M.U.: from track 15-18 the music is gone and the humming of the recording is particularly loud)

track 20             grundstück

track 27             sabrina

track 33             rampe: november

track 42             ich gehe jetzt (note: band has feedback problems and they start over again – in very low volume

at track mark 45)




Winterthur, Switzerland, 6 March 2004 – venue: Salzhaus

(note: quite a different setlist from the other shows on the tour. they play seltener vogel early on in the show. they don’t play neun arme, haus der lüge, armenia, ich gehe jetzt or paradiesseits (seltener vogel/ozean & brandung blends into a rampe instead of the third part of the trilogy: paradiesseits. They play der schacht von babel halfway through the show (this is the only recording on the tour that has der schacht von babel. The rampe (sie lächelt) blends into grundstück – and grundstück starts right away – without the hex intro part)

(M.U.: very low humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (74:22)

track 01             (note: Blixa explaining how they surprisingly ended up playing in Winterthur (because of the elections in Greece) and then he lists up all the instruments that they are not gonna use at the concert because the stage is much too small – even Blixa’s radio isn’t working because water got into it. so they are limited to playing the most essential things)

track 05             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 10             dead friends (around the corner)

track 16             selbstportrait mit kater

track 23             redukt

track 34             perpetuum mobile (note: starts off with Blixa saying perpetuum mobile four times)

track 48             (note: Blixa making fun of someone in the audience who says “was soll das sein?”)

track 49             youme & meyou

track 55             seltener vogel

track 65             ozean & brandung

track 66             rampe: (note: Blixa humming throughout the song)

track 72             der schacht von babel

cd2 (30:18)

track 01             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: start missing)

track 05             sabrina

track 12             rampe: sie lächelt

track 19             grundstück

track 23             (note: Blixa introducing the band)

track 23             alles

track 31             (note: a couple of seconds of the aftershow music (Alfred Schnittke “requiem for an unknown actor”

from “filmworks”) can be heard)




Milan, Italy, 9 March 2004 – venue: Alcatraz

(M.U.: very low humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (60:55)

track 01             ein leichtes leises säusseln (M.U.: there is only sound coming out of the right speaker and the sound is low – song stops after about a minute (at track mark 2). then only audience can be heard – still only in the right speaker. at end of track mark 5 the sound gets higher. at end of track mark 6 the song starts up again (high sound in right speaker and low sound in the left). At track mark 8 sound gets normal)

track 12             dead friends (around the corner)

track 18             perpetuum mobile (note: starts with the tin cans getting thrown around)

track 34             redukt

track 45             youme & meyou

track 52             neun arme

track 56             rampe: “es ist nicht besser so”, “wer bewohnt die wahrheit?”

cd2 (43:33)

track 01             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U. – start missing)

track 06             seltener vogel

track 18             ozean & brandung

track 20             paradiesseits

track 25             grundstück

track 32             selbstportrait mit kater

track 42             haus der lüge (M.U. – end is cut off)




Stuttgart, Germany, 11 March 2004 – venue: Theaterhaus

(M.U.: lower humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (59:45)

track 02             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 08             (note: Blixa annoyed by someone in the audience and says: “ich bitte dich darum, geh bitte weg von hier vorne” and then he goes on to talk about the concert in Stuttgart in 2000 where there were so many “Dummköpfe” in the audience that they had to break off the concert)

track 09             dead friends (around the corner)

track 15             perpetuum mobile (info: starts off with Blixa’s radio)

track 29             redukt (M.U.: cuts off after 4 mins. (track no. 33 is only 18 seconds long))

track 35             youme & meyou

track 40             (note: Blixa talks in english to the audience until someone reminds him he is in germany)

track 41             neun arme

track 46             rampe: “vibrator on tubes “ganz lange schon, lange lange lange schon, weit weit”“

track 54             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (60:13)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start missing - and after about 3 mins. some of the song is missing (track no. 4 is

only 19 sec.long))

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 11             paradiesseits

track 15             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: cuts off after about 5 mins. (track no. 20 is only 52 sec.long))

track 22             (note: Blixa annoyed and telling someone off in the audience)

track 24             grundstück

track 31             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: part of the end is cut off (track no. 36 is only 45 sec. long))

track 38             (note: Blixa annoyed again about a guy in the audience)

track 38             sabrina (M.U.: strange clicking sound throughout the song, like a scratched record)

track 44             ich gehe jetzt

track 51             armenia (M.U.: strange clicking sound throughout the song)

track 57             haus der lüge (M.U.: part is cut off after about 1 min. (track no. 58 is only 35 sec. long))

track 61             (note: Blixa dedicating first two lines of “haus der lüge” to the idiots in the audience)

track 63             (note: a couple of seconds of the aftershow music can be heard)




Prague, Czech Republic, 12 March 2004  - venue: Archa Theater

(M.U.: lower humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (63:25)

track 03             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 11             selbstportrait mit kater

track 18             dead friends (around the corner)

track 24             redukt

track 33             perpetuum mobile (note: starts off with the tin cans getting thrown around)

track 49             youme & meyou

track 56             neun arme

track 60             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: cut off after about 4 mins.)

cd2 (56:10)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 19             grundstück

track 30             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 36             rampe: dildo on tubes – guitarre and bells, „sie lächelt“

track 43             (note: Blixa introducing the line up)

track 43             alles

track 52             sabrina




Offenbach, Germany, 15 March 2004 – venue:

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (63:31)

track 03             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 09             dead friends (around the corner)

track 15             perpetuum mobile

track 28             redukt

track 39             youme & meyou

track 45             neun arme

track 49             rampe: dildo on tubes (bellmachine towards the end) “kamst mit….gings mit….”

track 58             (note: blixa talks about a guy from Zagreb and then introduces the blue wastebin)

track 59             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (74:23)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 10             paradiesseits

track 16             haus der lüge/epilog/armenia

track 26             selbstportrait mit kater

track 34             (note: Blixa telling Unruh to just ignore the annoying ones in the audience)

track 44             grundstück

track 52             rampe: ich warte

track 57             sabrina

track 63             (note: a guy in the audience shouts: „wo sind deine schuhe?” and blixa answers:

“eehm, backstage” – this seems to be the kick off for the rampe played later on the tour where

Blixa sings „wo sind meine schuhe?“)

track 64             ich gehe jetzt

track 70             alles




Munich, Germany, 16 March 2004 – venue: Die Muffathalle

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (60:47) (note: cd 1 just has three track marks)

track 02             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 02             (note: Blixa appoligises that people had to wait)

track 02             perpetuum mobile (note: starts off with Blixa’s radio)

track 02             dead friends (around the corner)

track 02             redukt

track 02             youme & meyou

track 02             (note: Blixa very upset with some annoying people in the audience)

track 02             neun arme/rampe:, “alles wieder offen” (M.U.: blixa’s voice sounds like it’s double during

neun arme)

track 03             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (64:53)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 17             (note: blixa complaining about the bad sound at the venue)

track 17             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: some low clicking sound throughout armenia)

track 27             selbstportrait mit kater

track 35             grundstück

track 46             (note: sounds like Hacke says: “geh scheissen, nicht”)

track 46             sabrina

track 52             (note: a guy shouts “kollaps” after which Blixa starts singing some of the lyrics to “kollaps”)

track 53             rampe: november?, “sie lächelt”

track 62             ich gehe jetzt




Vienna, Austria, 17 March 2004 – venue: WUK

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (57:20) (note: cd 1 only has eight track marks and except for one track mark in “perpetuum mobile” all track marks are between songs and the track marks have a very short gap between them)

track 01                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 02                                                   (note: Blixa turning on his radio at the exact moment that the radiospeaker says: „die hits von

heute und gestern“ after which both he and the audience start laughing)

track 02                                                   perpetuum mobile (M.U.: part of the song missing at the track mark about 8 mins. into the song)

track 04                  dead friends (around the corner)

track 05                                                   redukt

track 06                                                   (note: a guy shouts “der tod ist ein dandy” and the band make jokes about that)

track 06                                                   youme & meyou (note: Rudi starts playing, then stops and starts over again)

track 07                  (note: Blixa arguing with a guy in the audience and giving him the opportunity to say something

while Blixa keeps quiet – later Blixa asks if the others in the audience can keep the guy quiet or if

someone needs to come and throw him out)

track 07                  neun arme

track 08                  die befindlickeit des landes

cd2 (66:48) (note: cd 2 only has 11 track marks – all track marks have a very short gap between them. so there’s a small gap in ozean & brandung, armenia and selbstportrait mit kater – otherwise the gaps are between songs)

track 01                                                   seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 01                                                   ozean & brandung

track 02                                                   paradiesseits

track 03                                                   haus der lüge/epilog/armenia

track 05                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 05                                                   selbstportrait mit kater

track 07                  (note: blixa telling audience how the words “life on other planets is difficult” came about and

then talks about EN’s instruments and says that EN is “grosse fehl-entwickler von instrumenten” – and then tells the audience how the busdrivers, after the show, have to drive for 30 hours, 1900 kilometres up to Oslo – with trailers on the buses and therefore only being allowed to drive 80 kilometres an hour)

track 07                  ich gehe jetzt

track 09                                                   grundstück

track 10                  rampe: ich warte

track 11                                                   sabrina




Oslo, Norway, 19 March 2004 – venue: Rockefeller

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (68:05)  (M.U.: “dead friends” is not there – it got lost in the gap between where perpetuum mobile is cut off and where redukt picks up)

track 01                  ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07                                                   perpetuum mobile (M.U.: after about 1.5 mins. the song is cut off)

track 10                                                   redukt (M.U.: only a 50 second clip of the song is there)

track 11                                                   youme & meyou (M.U.: only the last two minutes of the song is there)

track 14                                                   neun arme

track 19                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes

track 25                                                   (note: Blixa welcoming the supporters and telling about the marriage between the two supporters

“Shea” and “Vidar”. Blixa tells audience that EN record their shows but that tonights show has had problems and won’t be recorded. Then he dedicates seltener vogel to Shea and Vidar)

track 28                  seltener vogel

track 40                                                   ozean & brandung

track 41                                                   paradiesseits

track 45                  haus der lüge (M.U.: cuts off after about two minutes)

track 48                                                   armenia (M.U.: first couple of sec. are missing, and there’s a low clicking noise throughout the song)

track 54                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 58                  selbstportrait mit kater

track 67                                                   ich gehe jetzt

cd2 (52:56)

track 02                                                   grundstück (M.U.: last half is cut off)

track 09                                                   rampe: november?, “sie lächelt” (M.U.: beginning is missing)

track 17                                                   sabrina

track 27                                                   (note: Blixa saying how good the audience is – the best on tour so far)

track 29                                                   ende neu

track 34                  (note: Blixa explaining the dave navigations system that contains 600 cards that Blixa wrote –

each band member gets three cards and no one tells eachother what is written on the card – each card tells the bandmember something he needs to do – as Blixa passes the cards around you hear a lot of “uh oh” and “oh scheisse”)

track 38                                                   dave, “vielleicht, vielleicht”

track 43                                                   (note: each band member tells audience which cards he had and what he did with them. Blixa tells

audience that this is the second time ever that they do a dave live before an audience like this. He tells

them where the name “dave” comes from (a movie) and he recommends the movie to the audience)

track 47                  (note: Blixa introducing the lineup)

track 47                                                   alles




Stockholm, Sweden, 20 March 2004 – venue: The Arena

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (50:42)

track 02             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07             perpetuum mobile

track 20             dead friends (around the corner)

track 25             redukt

track 35             youme & meyou

track 42             neun arme

track 46             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: after about three minutes some of the song is cut off)

cd2 (60:56)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are cut off)

track 09             ozean & brandung

track 10             paradiesseits

track 14             haus der lüge/armenia

track 24             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 28             selbstportrait mit kater

track 37             ich gehe jetzt

track 45             grundstück

track 52             rampe: metal drumming on pibes and string, “wo sind meine schuhe?”

track 57             sabrina




Aarhus, Denmark, 21 March 2004 – venue: Voxhall

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (59:27)

track 01             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 06             perpetuum mobile

track 20             dead friends (around the corner)

track 25             redukt

track 36             youme & meyou

track 43             (note: Blixa asking a guy in the audience how old he is. The guy answers and says “33”, after which Blixa

then tells the guy that that means that he was only 3 years old when EN composed sehnsucht)

track 43             neun arme

track 48             rampe: “vibrator on plastic pipes, “wo sind meine schuhe?, ganz sicher, ich erinnere mich genau“”

track 55             (note: a guy in the audience shouts „wo ist das durstiges tier?“ after which Hacke replies “Hier!” – while

pointing to himself)

track 55             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (61:27)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds missing)

track 14             ozean & brandung

track 15             paradiesseits

track 19             (note: a guy in the audience shouts “hirnlego” after which Blixa sings “hirnlego” from the

haus der lüge album – then the band laughs and Blixa says “it’s Denmark, they like lego, you know”. Then people call out different songs they want to hear – and Blixa responds with a “no” every time they shout out a song – until a guy shouts “haus der lüge” and Blixa answers with “haus der lüge – yes!”)

track 20             haus der lüge/armenia

track 31             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 36             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: end is cut off)

track 43             (note: Blixa says “because of the nature of these instruments….” and then a guy breaks him off and

shouts “we love them” – to which Blixa replies “yes, we love them too, but they make feedbacks very

easily, so….”)

track 44             ich gehe jetzt

track 52             ende neu

track 58             rampe: totale




Copenhagen, Denmark, 23 March 2004 – venue: Pumpehuset

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (70:31)

track 01                                                   ich gehe jetzt

track 05                                                   (note: Blixa saying this is one of the smallest stages on the tour so far and that if the venue had been

bigger they could have sold many more tickets and from the profits he could have bought a house for

himself and one for Alex as well on the coast of Denmark)

track 07                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 12                                                   selbstportrait mit kater

track 19                                                   dead friends (around the corner)

track 24                                                   redukt

track 34                                                   perpetuum mobile

track 48                                                   youme & meyou

track 54                                                   (note: Blixa telling the audience about the nice concerts they always play in Copenhagen except for one

time (Ungdomshuset 1986) where someone stole EN’s electric drill and also cut the tires on EN’s van. He then goes on to talk about the first show they played in Copenhagen (Saltlageret 1982) where Blixa threw a bottle off stage and hit the leadsinger of the Danish punk band, The Sods, in the head. Alex assures audience that EN became good friends with The Sods later)

track 56                                                   neun arme

track 60                  (note: a guy in audience shouts „headcleaner“ and Blixa answers and says that headcleaner is being sold

at the merchandising stand)

track 61                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes

track 68                                                   haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut out completely)

cd2 (48:01)

track 01                                                   (note: Blixa welcomes the supporters and names supporters “ras” and “luftantenne“. Blixa makes fun with

luftantenne and asks why his name isn’t luftgitarre. He then says that luftantenne is the only supporter from Greenland and that they also only have one supporter in Papua New Guinea, French Guyana and Ethiopia)

track 04                                                   seltener vogel

track 15                                                   ozean & brandung

track 16                                                   paradiesseits

track 24                                                   grundstück

track 35                                                   (note: blixa telling the audience that the audiences in Scandinavia have been very nice and that he thinks that when they go to Hamburg for the next gig, there is going to be a much higher percentage of idiots in the audience)

track 36                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 41                                                   rampe: “guitarre and bells, „in parallel minds, sie wartet und lächelt dabei“”




Hamburg, Germany, 25 March 2004 – venue: Musikhalle

(M.U.: lower humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (69:39)

track 01             (note: Blixa annoyed about a guy in the audience – but then goes on to say how glad he is that

the conditions in hamburg are better today than they were when they first played in hamburg in 1980 – which was their first concert outside Berlin)

track 05             ich gehe jetzt

track 09             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 14             selbstportrait mit kater

track 21             dead friends (around the corner)

track 26             redukt

track 37             perpetuum mobile

track 49             youme & meyou

track 55             neun arme

track 60             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 67             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut off after two seconds)

cd2 (42:22)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 18             grundstück

track 29             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 35             rampe: sie lächelt „guitarre and bells, „sie lächelt““




Bremen, Germany, 26 March 2004 – venue: Schlachthof

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (69:52)

track 03             (note: Blixa complaining about the small stage)

track 04             ich gehe jetzt

track 08             (note: Blixa asking an annoying guy in the audience if he is following EN around on the tour)

track 10             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 15             selbstportrait mit kater

track 22             dead friends (around the corner)

track 28             redukt

track 38             perpetuum mobile

track 52             youme & meyou

track 59             neun arme

track 64             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 70             (note: Blixa saying that unruh claims that EN played at this venue in the early 80’s with Sonic Youth –

                                 but Blixa can’t remember it)

track 70             haus der lüge (M.U.: part of the song is cut out after about 40 sec. - and 15 sec. after it picks up again,

it is cut off)

cd2 (49:47)

track 01             armenia (M.U.: start is missing)

track 06             seltener vogel

track 19             ozean & brandung

track 20             paradiesseits

track 27             (note: Blixa annoyed about the audience and telling them that they are the most noisy crowd on the

tour so far and then he calls Bremen a province – after which the audience goes “buuuh”)

track 28             grundstück

track 40             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 45             sabrina




Bielefeld, Germany, 27 March 2004 – venue: Ringlokschuppen

(M.U.: very low humming noise throughout recording)

cd1 (57:12)

track 01             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07             dead friends (around the corner)

track 12             (note: Blixa annoyed by someone in the audience and telling him that he can say things - but only at the

right times – and he then tells the audience to be self organized so that the crowd is the way they want

it to be)

track 13             perpetuum mobile (M.U.: clicking sound towards the end of the song)

track 27             redukt

track 39             youme & meyou

track 45             neun arme/die nacht (note: die nacht is very different from later versions on the tour)

track 52             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (59:15) (note: track 6 is 25 seconds long and track 7 is 28.14 mins. long)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start is missing and a part is cut off after about 5,5 mins.)

track 07             ozean & brandung

track 07             paradiesseits

track 07             grundstück

track 07             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: the end is cut off)

track 11             (note: Blixa talking about the small stage in Schlachthof Bremen the day before – and telling a guy in the

audience who yells that they will play some old songs for him – but for him they will play them without

love and for everyone else they will play them with love)

track 13             haus der lüge/armenia

track 23             sabrina

track 30             ich gehe jetzt




Karlsruhe, Germany, 28 March 2004

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (68:48)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 11             selbstportrait mit kater

track 18             dead friends (around the corner)

track 24             redukt

track 35             perpetuum mobile (M.U.: about 8 mins. into the song a part is cut off – it then

picks up again – and 5 mins. later the rest of the song is cut off)

track 49             youme & meyou

track 56             neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: most of die nacht is cut out)

track 61             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 67             (note: blixa compliments the nice audience and then tells the audience how terrible the audience was

in Stuttgart – to which the audience in Karlsruhe starts to applauce)

track 70             haus der lüge (M.U.: after about 15 seconds a large part of the song is cut out. It then picks up again

for about a minute, after which the rest of the song is cut out)

cd2 (48:13)

track 04             seltener vogel

track 17             ozean & brandung

track 18             paradiesseits

track 23             (note: blixa annoyed by a guy in the audience)

track 25             grundstück

track 36             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 41             rampe: die kleinen sonnen (november)




Düsseldorf, Germany, 30 March 2004 – venue: 3001

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (77:43)

track 05             ich gehe jetzt

track 10             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 15             selbstportrait mit kater

track 22             (note: a guy in the audience shouts “Unruh” and Unruh answers and says “ja, ich weiß – ich bin es


track 22             dead friends (around the corner)

track 28             redukt

track 39             perpetuum mobile

track 54             youme & meyou

track 60             (note: EN recognises Jon Caffery in the audience and says hello to him and tells the audience that they

will now play one of those tracks they recorded with Jon Caffery in London in 1983 – so he says they will

play it for Jon)

track 61             neun arme/die nacht

track 68             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 73             (note: Blixa telling about EN as architechture critics and draws a parallel to Düsseldorf)

track 75             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut off shortly after start)

cd2 (48:34)

track 01             (note: a guy in the audience requests “finger und zähne” and Blixa laughs and tells Hacke to start

playing it – but Hacke laughs and answers that the teeth are no longer there. Then Blixa talks about the concert being recorded – a guy wants to know what the recordings cost and Blixa laughs and answers that he is not a wandering pricelist. They are just souvenir price – and then he says he has heard that some have already been selling the cd’s on eBay – earning three times as much as they paid themselves)

track 03             seltener vogel

track 17             ozean & brandung

track 17             paradiesseits

track 24             grundstück

track 35             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 41             rampe: „vibrator on plastic pipes, „alles wieder offen“„




Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1 April 2004 – venue: Paradiso

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (73:30)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt

track 06             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 11             selbstportrait mit kater

track 18             dead friends (around the corner)

track 23             redukt

track 34             perpetuum mobile

track 48             youme & meyou

track 55             neun arme

track 59             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 66             haus der lüge/armenia

cd2 (46:26)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start is missing)

track 13             ozean & brandung

track 14             paradiesseits

track 18             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 30             grundstück

track 38             rampe: november (fadenscheinig) (sie lächelt)




Brussels, Belgium, 2 April 2004 – venue: Main Hall (as part of Domino Festival 2004)

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (79:46)

track 01             (note: blixa telling audience about the show being broadcast on the internet – and that therefore Papua New Guinea, Iceland and Greenland is there watching as well)

track 04             ich gehe jetzt

track 09             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 13             selbstportrait mit kater

track 20             dead friends (around the corner)

track 25             redukt

track 37             perpetuum mobile

track 52             youme & meyou

track 59             neun arme/die nacht

track 66             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 72             haus der lüge/armenia

cd2 (43:54)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 19             grundstück

track 31             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 37             rampe: november/sie lächelt „guitarre and bells, „sie lächelt““




London, England, 3 April 2004 – venue: The Forum

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (69:02)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt (M.U.: start is missing)

track 04             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 08             selbstportrait mit kater

track 15             dead friends (around the corner)

track 20             redukt

track 30             perpetuum mobile

track 44             youme & meyou

track 51             neun arme

track 55             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 61             haus der lüge/armenia

cd2 (40:57)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 11             paradiesseits

track 18             grundstück

track 29             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 34             rampe: november (sie lächelt)




Dublin, Ireland, 4 April 2004 – venue: Temple Bar Music Centre

(note: maybe due to a very small stage they played a different set than the usual shows on the tour – they don’t play ich gehe jetzt, ozean & brandung, paradiesseits – and a couple of times they spent quite a bit of time organizing things on stage. no humming noise on this recording but treble is quite high)

cd1 (68:41)

track 02             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07             dead friends (around the corner)

track 12             redukt

track 23             perpetuum mobile

track 39             (note: Blixa announces a small repair break – talks about the very small stage and says that EN has never

before played in Ireland)

track 43             youme & meyou

track 50             neun arme

track 55             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 61             haus der lüge/armenia

cd2 (51:10)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start is missing)

track 10             sabrina

track 15             selbstportrait mit kater

track 25             (note: Blixa saying „so, it wasn’t a mistake coming and playing in Dublin after all“ – then he goes on and

makes fun about the very small stage and the very bad dressing room which is not clean, it has few lightbulbs and almost no chairs)

track 29             grundstück

track 36             rampe: november „guitarre and bells, „sie lächelt““

track 44             (note: blixa making fun with the other band members about the small stage)

track 48             ende neu (M.U.: Blixas voice sounds as if it vibrates)




Paris, France, 6 April 2004 – venue: Le Bataclan

(note: some guy in the audience sounds like he’s standing right besides the microphone which was used to record the show and it’s VERY annoying to hear his shouting at different times during the show – fortunately he only shouts before the following songs (before the songs and while blixa speaks): perpetuum mobile, youme & meyou, neun arme, seltener vogel. no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (75:13)

track 03             ich gehe jetzt

track 08             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 13             selbstportrait mit kater

track 20             dead friends (around the corner)

track 25             redukt

track 37             (note: Blixa recalling the times that EN played in Paris and says that they always had a good time playing there. He then says that the French revolution is one of the greatest achievements of mankind)

track 38             perpetuum mobile

track 53             youme & meyou (note: Blixa sings words in wrong order and says: “I start over” – he then starts over

again while the music goes on as if nothing happened)

track 59             (note: Blixa making fun and being silly - by talking very slowly about neun arme)

track 61             neun arme

track 65             rampe: “headcleaner bellmachine, “wo sind meine schuhe?”“

track 70             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (50:33)

track 01             armenia

track 06             (note: Blixa announcing that the show is being recorded and will be sold after the show)

track 09             seltener vogel

track 20             ozean & brandung

track 21             paradiesseits

track 25             (note: Blixa making the usual speech about Stevo and Some Bizarre – and he tells the audience not to

buy any records released by Some Bizarre – and Hacke adds: “steal them!”)

track 28             grundstück

track 39             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 44             rampe: november „guitarre and bells, “sie lächelt””




Freibourg, Switzerland, 7 April 2004 – venue:

(M.U.: no humming noise on this recording but the sound on cd1 is very bad – it’s more or less unlistenable almost all the way through because of some cracking sound which is very audible everytime blixa sings – only following songs are not disturbed by this cracking sound: ich gehe jetzt, youme & meyou, ozean & brandung, paradiesseits, grundstück, ein leichtes leises säusseln, rampe: totale)

cd1 (73:55)

track 01             (note: blixa talking with audience about whether he should talk english or german)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt (note: about 45 seconds into the song it sounds as if some sound sample is suddenly

accidentally set off – it only lasts for three seconds)

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 10             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 17             dead friends (around the corner) (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 23             redukt (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 33             perpetuum mobile (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 46             youme & meyou

track 53             (note: while Blixa tells about the recording of his heartbeat a guy in the audience shouts out and Blixa

imitates him)

track 54             neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 59             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 65             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: cracking sound when blixa sings)

cd2 (43:23)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start missing + cracking sound when blixa sings)

track 08             ozean & brandung

track 09             paradiesseits

track 16             grundstück

track 27             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 32             rampe: totale – 14 minuten

track 39             sabrina




Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg, 8 April 2004 – venue:

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (75:57)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: about 30 seconds into the song it is cut off)

track 10             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: cracking sound in the beginning of the song and about 1.3 mins into

the song a part of it is cut out)

track 15             dead friends (around the corner)

track 21             redukt

track 32             (note: Blixa noting that this is the first time they ever play in Luxembourg)

track 32             perpetuum mobile

track 48             youme & meyou

track 55             neun arme/die nacht

track 61             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 67             haus der lüge/epilog/armenia

cd2 (44:37)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 18             (note: Blixa being annoyed by someone in the audience asks if there is a duck in the audience. He says

he likes ducks even though he’s a vegetarian. He has nothing against ducks except when they disturb him)

track 20             grundstück

track 32             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 38             rampe: ich warte




Washington, DC, U.S.A., 24 April 2004 – venue: 9:30 Club

(M.U.: no humming noise on this recording, but most of cd 1 is unlistenable because of cracking noises and short cut outs throughout)

cd1 (75:44)

track 01             (note: Blixa annoyed by the microphone feedback while he speaks)

track 03             ich gehe jetzt

track 06             (note: Blixa announcing that this is the first show on the U.S. tour and that they ofcourse had to start in

the nations capital. He then notes that they bought two aircompressors in a nearby Home Depot – and

making a joke about the aircompressors playing a different note than those they have in Germany)

track 08             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 13             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: after about 2 mins a part of the song is cut out – it picks up again and

after 43 more seconds another part of the song is cut out)

track 20             dead friends (around the corner) (M.U.: the end is missing)

track 25             redukt (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing and there are cracking noises and clips through out the


track 35             perpetuum mobile (M.U.: there are cracking noises and clips through out the song)

track 49             youme & meyou (M.U.: there are cracking noises and clips in the song)

track 56             neun arme (M.U.: there are cracking noises and clips in the song)

track 61             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: there are cracking noises and clips in the song)

track 67             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: there are cracking noises and clips in the song)

cd2 (45:49)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: start is missing)

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 10             paradiesseits

track 17             grundstück

track 28             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 33             rampe: sie lächelt

track 41             sabrina




New York City, New York, U.S.A., 24 April 2004 – venue: Irving Plaza

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (79:46)

track 01             (note: Blixa saying how they enjoy playing in New York – comparing it to Berlin)

track 05             ich gehe jetzt

track 09             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 14             selbstportrait mit kater

track 21             (note: Blixa making a joke that someone in the audience close to the stage has stolen his setlist)

track 21             dead friends (around the corner)

track 27             redukt

track 37             perpetuum mobile

track 51             (note: audience calling out different EN songs they’d like to hear)

track 52             youme & meyou

track 59             neun arme/die nacht

track 66             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 72             haus der lüge/Armenia

cd2 (49:43)

track 01             (note: Blixa announcing that the show is being recorded)

track 02             seltener vogel

track 12             ozean & brandung

track 13             paradiesseits

track 17             (note: Blixa saying that the stage in St. Petersburg – the former Leningrad – is bigger than in Irving

Plaza – but then goes on to say that they really like playing in NYC and that NYC is like “the final station of a subway line that starts in Berlin”)

track 20             grundstück

track 31             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 37             rampe: november

track 45             sabrina




Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 25 April 2004 – venue: The Paradise

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (78:16)

track 02             (note: Blixa starting out by saying: “oh great, nobody has stolen my setlist yet” – then goes on to say

that this will be their last concert in Boston. He then recalls the concert they played in Boston in 2000 – sharing several fond (and not so fond) memories from that visit. And Hacke tells how he was mistaken for the guitar player of the Stone Temple Pilots)

track 07             ich gehe jetzt

track 11             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 16             selbstportrait mit kater

track 23             dead friends (around the corner)

track 29             (note: Blixa saying how, when he stands center stage, that he feels like he’s “singing to that metal pole”)

track 30             redukt

track 41             perpetuum mobile

track 55             (note: as perpetuum mobile finishes, music can be heard – and Blixa says: “don’t tell me it’s Stone

Temple Pilots again…”)

track 56             youme & meyou

track 63             neun arme/die nacht

track 69             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 75             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut off shortly after start)

cd2 (58:28)

track 01             armenia/rampe (M.U.: only the last 1½ mins of armenia is there)

track 08             (note: Blixa announcing that they are recording the night’s show – and will be selling it after show)

track 10             seltener vogel

track 20             ozean & brandung

track 21             paradiesseits

track 24             (note: Blixa talking about the way wrap the contents of their packages)

track 28             grundstück

track 41             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 47             rampe: totale

track 54             sabrina




Montreal, Canada, 27 April 2004 – venue: Club Soda

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (67:19)

track 01                  (note: Blixa saying they have just played three concerts in the United States and that they are extremely happy to be in Canada now – then he goes on to talk about the feedback problems with “this instrument” (the plastic pipes) and someone in the audience breaks him off by shouting “didgeridoo” – Blixa laughs and says “it’s not a didgeridoo – it’s simple pipes for “Kanalisation”)

track 03                                                   ich gehe jetzt

track 07                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: end is cut off after about 4½ mins.)

track 13                                                   selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: end is cut off after about 3½ mins.))

track 17                                                   dead friends (around the corner)

track 22                                                   redukt

track 33                                                   perpetuum mobile

track 48                                                   youme & meyou (M.U. : some loud clicking sound during the first couple of seconds of the song –

during the rest of the song the clicking is still there – but very low)

track 54                  (note: Blixa announcing that the next song is something they wrote yesterday – then he starts laughing)

track 54                                                   haus der lüge/epilog

track 59                                                   (note: Blixa introducing a guest player who joins them for the next song – a guest from Montreal)

track 59                                                   armenia/rampe “auf wiedersehen”

cd2 (64:07)

track 01                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: start missing)

track 07                                                   neun arme/die nacht

track 12                                                   (note: Blixa announcing that the next song was the first song they worked on at and

that personally he was ready to give it up – but supporters insisted that they keep working on it – so they did and now they have a song they like. Someone in the audience asks Blixa if he likes theatre – and Blixa gets into talking about what he thinks about theatres. Hacke joins in and says: “I suffer from theatrenarkolepsi”)

track 15                                                   seltener vogel

track 25                                                   ozean & brandung

track 26                                                   paradiesseits

track 32                                                   grundstück

track 43                  (note: Blixa saying: “you were a really exceptionally nice audience, thank you”)

track 43                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 49                                                   rampe: november 

track 57                                                   (note: Blixa introducing the line up – and Hacke introducing Blixa)

track 57                                                   alles




Toronto, Canada, 28 April 2004 – venue: Opera House

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (74:48)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: cracking noise (skips) during the song and after about 3½ mins the rest is cut off)

track 12             selbstportrait mit kater (M.U.: only one second of the whole song is actually there)

track 13             dead friends (around the corner) (M.U.: after about 4½ mins the rest of the song is missing)

track 29             redukt (M.U.: might be a couple of the first seconds of Unruh’s metal clanging missing and there’s one

short skip and “crack” sound about 8½ mins and 9 mins into the song)

track 31             perpetuum mobile

track 46             youme & meyou

track 54             neun arme/die nacht

track 59             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 65             haus der lüge/armenia/rampe (M.U.: the first minute of haus der lüge Blixa’s voice sounds vaguely


cd2 (38:32)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing and the song is cut off after 3 mins and 50


track 05             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 10             rampe: november

track 18             sabrina

track 28             ende neu

track 33             (note: Blixa introducing the band line up)

track 33             alles (M.U.: the end is missing)




Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A., 29 April 2004 –venue: Majestic Theater

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (76:09)

track 01             (note: Blixa surprised to see that the audience is so small)

track 02             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 12             selbstportrait mit kater

track 18             dead friends (around the corner)

track 23             (note: Blixa saying that the advantage of such a small audience is that you get the feeling that everyone

is actually there to hear the band play)

track 24             redukt

track 34             (note: Blixa responding to a guy in the audience by saying: “it’s nice that you know the name of some

devils – how about clearchannel……ticketmaster……see, I know the names of some devils too”)

track 34             perpetuum mobile

track 50             youme & meyou

track 57             neun arme/die nacht (Blixa’s voice sounds „doubled”)

track 62             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 68             haus der lüge/armenia

cd2 (49:00)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 11             ozean & brandung

track 12             paradiesseits

track 18             grundstück

track 31             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 36             rampe: november

track 44             sabrina




Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., 30 April 2004 – venue: The Metro

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (78:01)

track 01             (note: Blixa talking about the international fighting day of the proletarians – then Blixa recalls earlier

shows EN has played in Chicago)

track 04             ich gehe jetzt

track 08             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 13             selbstportrait mit kater

track 20             dead friends (around the corner)

track 25             redukt

track 36             perpetuum mobile

track 52             youme & meyou

track 59             neun arme/die nacht

track 64             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 71             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U. – after about 3½ mins armenia is cut off)

cd2 (53:49)

track 01             (note: Blixa talking about the night’s show being recorded and sold afterwards – Hacke adds: “anyway,

there might be some little jitters on that cd, but I guess you don’t mind)

track 03             seltener vogel

track 14             ozean & brandung

track 15             paradiesseits

track 20             (note: Blixa starts talking about grundstück and some bizarre, but while talking he gets very upset with

certain parts of the audience because they’re talking too loudly amongst themselves and pay no

attention to what Blixa is saying)

track 23             grundstück

track 35             (note: just as “ein leichtes leises säusseln” starts a guy in the audience can very clearly be heard as he

shouts: “shut the fuck up this time” to the noisy part of the audience)

track 35             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 41             (note: Blixa saying that „ein leichtes leises säusseln“ is the band’s favorite song on the new album)

track 41             rampe: november

track 49             sabrina (M.U. – a low vibrating noise can be heard throughout the song)

track 54             (note: Blixa saying: “Thank you very much. Goodnight. See you…eeeehh……at some time in a parallel universe

somewhere that is outside the United States of America……or never at all……or who knows……see you in my dreams)                  




Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A., 1 May 2004 – venue: First Avenue

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (77:16)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 05             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 10             selbstportrait mit kater

track 16             dead friends (around the corner)

track 21             redukt

track 32             perpetuum mobile

track 46             youme & meyou (M.U.: there is some scratching noise at different places throughout the song)

track 53             neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds “doubled”)

track 58             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 65             haus der lüge/armenia/rampe

cd2 (46:42)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 09             ozean & brandung

track 10             paradiesseits

track 14             (note: Blixa saying that they like to play „headcleaner“ but in order to play that they would have had to

bring half a ton more equipment with them – and Blixa goes on to say that in his next life he will just play piccolo flute, and then he tells the audience that they should be glad he doesn’t start his next life “here tonight”.

track 16             grundstück

track 30             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 35             rampe: „wir fallen, fallen, fallen“

track 42             (note: Blixa saying – about the rampe: „never played that before – don’t know where it came from“

track 42             sabrina




Vancouver, Canada, 4 May 2004 - venue: Commodore Ballroom

(note: no humming noise on this recording – both cd’s just have one track mark each)

cd1 (46:18)

track 1               perpetuum mobile

track 2               youme & meyou

track 2               (note: Blixa responding to someone in the audience by saying: “I forgot my sandals?!!......I haven’t got any


track 2               neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds a bit “doubled” during a part of the song)

track 2               die befindlichkeit des landes

track 2               haus der lüge/armenia/rampe (rampe: „lange lange lange lange schon gehen“)

cd2 (63:15)

track 1               seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 1               ozean & brandung

track 1               paradiesseits

track 1               grundstück

track 1               ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 1               rampe: November

track 1               (note: Blixa announcing that something went wrong with the recording and that the first 5 songs of the

performance were not recorded – and therefore they will continue recording till the very end of the


track 1               sabrina (M.U.: sounds like a scratched record and makes a couple of „jumps“)

track 2               ende neu (M.U.: sounds a bit like a scratched record)

track 2               (note: Blixa introducing the band line up – Hacke introducing Bargeld)

track 2               alles




Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., 5 May 2004 – venue: Showbox

(note: no humming noise on this recording – but throughout the recording the audience is more audible than it is on the other recordings on the tour)

cd1 (75:48)

track 02             (note: Blixa and Hacke trying to recall when they last played in Seattle – and telling the audience that

tonight’s performance will be the last one there. Then Blixa explains why the first song is low in volume

and a guy in the audience responds by shouting „yeeaaah“. This amuses Blixa and he says: “it used to be the other way around)

track 03             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: at 50 seconds into track mark 11 there’s a sudden increase in

volume – and about 13 seconds later there’s a small crack in the sound and it seems as if the sound gets back to the initial volume again)

track 13             selbstportrait mit kater

track 19             dead friends (around the corner)

track 24             redukt

track 35             perpetuum mobile

track 49             (note: girls in audience scream and blixa comments on it by saying: “not bad, not bad – I give you a

stipendium from my university of the nice reversed scream” – another girl screams, and Blixa says: “you get one too, it’s o.k.)

track 49             youme & meyou

track 56             neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds a bit “doubled” during parts of the song)

track 62             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 68             haus der lüge/epilog/armenia

cd2 (49:07)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 10             ozean & brandung

track 11             paradiesseits

track 18             grundstück

track 31             ein liechtes leises säusseln

track 37             rampe: totale (note: diff. version, lots of drumming, “langsam aber sicher, fallen fallen fallen”)

track 44             sabrina




San Francisco, California, U.S.A., 7 May 2004 – venue: Fillmore

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (78:01)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 06             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 11             selbstportrait mit kater

track 17             dead friends (around the corner)

track 22             redukt

track 33             perpetuum mobile

track 48             youme & meyou

track 56             neun arme/die nacht

track 61             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 67             haus der lüge/armenia/rampe (rampe: „immer wieder, immer wieder“) (M.U.: rampe cuts off

after 3½ mins.)

cd2 (61:04)

track 01             seltener vogel

track 13             ozean & brandung

track 14             paradiesseits

track 21             grundstück

track 33             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 38             rampe: november

track 47             sabrina

track 53             (note: Blixa saying to all those in audience who thinks they have seen Blixa in San Fransisco that it is

true that he is in San Fransisco)

track 57             ende neu




Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., 8 May 2004 – venue: El Rey Theater

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (75:00)

track 01                                                   (note: Blixa thanks the audience for a beautiful welcome and then he recalls the first times EN played in Los Angeles)

(M.U.: there is some scratching in the sound during Blixa’s speech)

track 07                                                   ich gehe jetzt

track 11                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 16                                                   selbstportrait mit kater

track 23                                                   dead friends (around the corner)

track 28                                                   redukt

track 40                                                   (note: Blixa turning on his radio and getting all kinds of music genres – so he says: “you like everything, huh?)

track 40                                                   perpetuum mobile

track 55                                                   (note: Blixa talking about drinking warm water, warm beer and warm vodka)

track 56                                                   youme & meyou

track 63                  (note: Blixa introducing “neun arme” and at one point during the speech he mentions that it seems as if American have a twisted logic – a guy in the audience responds to that and Blixa asks the guy: ”what do you mean? You found the weapons of mass destruction or what? Ok, sorry, I don’t want to……forget that. Just wipe it off the recording when you buy the record…)

track 65                                                   neun arme/die nacht

track 70                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (64:33)

track 01                                                   armenia/rampe (rampe: “ich komme nah”) (M.U.: first couple of seconds of armenia are missing)

track 13                                                   seltener vogel

track 25                                                   ozean & brandung

track 25                                                   paradiesseits

track 29                  (note: while band prepares for grundstück a guy suddenly shouts: „yeaah“ – then Blixa replies and says: „oh, this one

is for you!”. Then another guy shouts: “yeaah”, and Blixa replies: “ok, for you too”. The guy replies with a “thank you” and Blixa says: “it doesn’t cost extra”.

track 33                                                   grundstück

track 46                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 51                                                   rampe: november

track 60                  (note: a guy in the audience shouts: „We must apoligize for the lame hipsters in the back. Thank you for your tolerance!”. Blixa replies: “Sorry, I didn’t get that. What?”. Then Hacke repeats: “He wants to apoligize for the lame hipsters in the back”. After this there is some misunderstanding – and Blixa seems to understand that the guy wanted EN to play something for the lame hipsters in the back – so he says: “It’s o.k., we’re gonna play something for the lame hipsters in the back”)

track 60                                                   sabrina




Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., 9 May 2004 – venue: Marquee Theatre

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (75:17)

track 01                                                   (note: a compressor can be heard as it is loaded up before the show starts)

track 02                  (note: Blixa being ironic as he says how pleased they are to see the enormously large audience. Then he says they have played U.S. tours several times before – but this time, since the Australia tour was cancelled, they decided to play in places that they have never played before on previous U.S. tours)

track 05                                                   ich gehe jetzt

track 09                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 14                                                   selbstportrait mit kater

track 20                  (note: someone in the audience says: “Lee Hazelwood lives here” and Blixa starts explaining something about the origin of Morning Dew – that it is actually not a Lee Hazelwood song and also not a Tim Rose song – but some folk singing woman. It’s also not a Neubauten song. He then tells the audience where, and how it came about, that EN recorded Morning Dew. He explains how it was recorded in Vancouver in 1986 – at that time Skinny Puppy were their roadies – very nice people, he says.

track 21                                                   dead friends (around the corner)

track 27                                                   redukt

track 38                                                   perpetuum mobile

track 52                                                   (note: Blixa sighing and audience laughs. Then Blixa explains: “You know we were playing these 3-hour shows every

night and in between we sleep in the bus. It’s great. It’s eehm……some work out for grown ups…”)

track 53                                                   youme & meyou

track 61                                                   neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds „doubled“ during parts of the song)

track 66                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes

track 67                                                   haus der lüge/epilog/armenia (M.U.: rampe is cut off after 20 seconds)

cd2 (66:10)

track 01                                                   armenia/rampe (rampe: “wieso, wieso, wieso…”)(M.U.: only the last minute of armenia is there)

track 08                                                   (note: Blixa says: „Just a little treat for you. Never played before – propably never gonna be played again”. Then

Blixa talks about clear channel and tells audience that EN sued them – and won. He tells audience that it’s no problem recording a show in Europe – not even in Moscow – but in the States it’s a problem)

track 10                  seltener vogel

track 22                                                   ozean & brandung

track 23                                                   paradiesseits

track 27                                                   (note: Blixa saying: „you know it’s really hard being an industrial band. It’s like your equipment is 10 times heavier

than the average rock’n’roll band”)

track 31                                                   grundstück

track 43                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 48                                                   rampe: november

track 55                                                   sabrina

track 63                                                   ende neu (M.U.: whenever the song gets very loud there is clicking/cracking in the sound)




Austin, Texas, U.S.A., 12 May 2004 – venue: Emo’s

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (55:22)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt (M.U.: start of the song is missing – only the last three mins are there)

track 05             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 10             selbstportrait mit kater

track 17             dead friends (around the corner)

track 23             redukt

track 34             perpetuum mobile

track 48             youme & meyou

cd2 (54:47)

track 01             die befindlichkeit des landes (M.U.: start of the song is missing – only the last three mins are there)

track 04             haus der lüge/armenia/rampe (rampe: „man sollte den lärm nicht verschweigen“)

track 18             sabrina

track 29             rampe: november

track 37             alles (note: early in the song Blixa introduces the band line up. Hacke introduces Blixa)

track 51             ende neu (M.U.: some scratching noise throughout the song – and halfway through Blixa’s voice sounds

like it’s vibrating – and audience starts vibrating as well. The last minute of the song the recording gets very low suddenly)




New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., 13 May 2004 – venue: House of Blues

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (74:18)

track 01                                                   (note: Blixa saying good evening to the very small audience. A guy in the audience says: “but it’s the quality and not the quantity” –

and Blixa agrees. Blixa telling the audience why they have come to New Orleans to play. He tells them they were in Austin the night before and that it was so unbelievably hot and humid there that they had to brush several grams of salt off of their suits the next day. A girl in audience says: “come here in august” and Blixa replies: “yeah, hah, that’s why we are here now – not in August……”

track 05                                                   ich gehe jetzt

track 09                                                   (note: Blixa announcing that EN will sign the air compressors with a big pen and auction the off stage in Atlanta)

track 11                                                   rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 16                                                   selbstportrait mit kater

track 23                                                   dead friends (around the corner)

track 28                                                   redukt

track 40                                                   perpetuum mobile

track 56                                                   youme & meyou

track 64                                                   neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds „doubled“ during a couple of parts of the song)

track 70                                                   die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (79:57)

track 01                                                   haus der lüge/armenia/rampe (M.U.: It picks up while haus der lüge is already playing so that

only the last minute of haus der lüge is there)

track 12                                                   (note: Blixa telling the audience how they recorded all their shows in Europe – no problems. But in the States they

had a big problem with clear channel – but they won a dispute against them and were allowed to continue recording their shows – that is, they were allowed to record all shows on U.S. tour except tonight’s show in New Orleans)

track 16                                                   seltener vogel

track 29                                                   ozean & brandung

track 30                                                   paradiesseits

track 38                                                   grundstück (note: during hex part– a girl in audience screams, and Blixa tells her that she will get a stipendium from his academy)

track 50                                                   ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 56                                                   rampe: totale

track 63                                                   (note: Blixa saying: “well, I don’t know where that came from – we have never played that before”)

track 63                                                   sabrina

track 70                                                   (note: Jochen responding to a girl in the audience who, the whole evening, has been shouting “ich liebe du, Blixa” by

saying: “es heist dich, es heist dich!” and Blixa adds: “please try consulting your german book again – I do understand the intention but it was grammatically all wrong – and for a simple sentence like “I love you Blixa”, that is pretty bad if you can’t get that right”. Hacke joins in and says: “Wir haben Euch alle auch sehr lieb” and Blixa translates and says “We all love you too. So, don’t worry. That’s the only reason why we are here. We are certainly not here to earn any money”)

track 57                                                   ende neu (M.U.: the whole recording of this song sounds as if it’s vibrating“

track 75                                                   (note: Blixa introducing the band line up. And Hacke introducing Bargeld)

track 75                                                   alles (M.U.: only about half of the song is there)




Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., 15 May 2004 – venue: The Masquerade

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (72:35)

track 01             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: just a couple of seconds of the air compressor load up is


track 08             selbstportrait mit kater

track 14             dead friends (around the corner)

track 20             redukt

track 32             perpetuum mobile

track 49             youme & meyou (M.U.: there’s a scratching sound throughout the song – sounds a bit like a very scratched record)

track 56             neun arme/die nacht

track 63             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 70             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut off after about 10 seconds)

cd2 (63:43)

tracl 01                                        armenia/rampe (rampe: “wo sind meine schuhe”) (M.U.: only the last 1½ mins of armenia is there

– and there’s a scratching in the sound whenever the song gets really loud)

track 06             (note: Blixa telling audience that the show is being recorded and will be sold after the performance. He tells them

about clear channel trying to stop them from doing the recordings. But he says the show is being recorded and that they are selling it to make some money – they are otherwise not making any money on the U.S. tour – they don’t even have a place to stay overnight. So a guy replies and says “you can stay at my house”. They go on to say that people can join Some guy says that they can also make money selling the Husky aircompressors. Blixa misunderstands the guy and says: “no we’re not taking hostages – what are you talking about?”. The guy repeats what he said and Blixa says “well, we sell the husky too, yes……”)

track 10             seltener vogel

track 22             ozean & brandung

track 23             paradiesseits

track 28             (note: Blixa annoyed by some music than can be heard from downstairs – the bass line can be heard)

track 32             grundstück

track 44             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 50             rampe: november

track 59             (note: an annoyed girl in audience shouts: “Jeesus! Shut the fuck up!!” and Blixa joins her: “Well, who

ever it is…yes…shut the fuck up……except you mean me?......”)

track 60             sabrina




Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A., 16 May 2004 – venue: The Orange Peel

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (67:55)

track 01             (note: Blixa saying this is their first time in North Carolina. And they like it very much – the venue is

clean, everthing works and people are friendly – unlike it was the night before, in Atlanta)                         

track 03             ich gehe jetzt

track 07             (note: Blixa announcing that the world’s two most famous air compressors will be sold to the highest

bidder after the show)

track 09             rampe: goodmorning everybody (M.U.: sound suddenly gets very low for a few seconds at one point

towards the end)

track 16             selbstportrait mit kater

track 22             (note: Blixa commenting on the fact that someone just placed a bid for 150.00 USD for the smaller air

compressor, by saying: “ooooh, somebody has 150 for the small one. That is what? …30 each, right? At

the end of the tour……very nice!”)

track 23             dead friends (around the corner)

track 28             redukt (M.U.: after about 2½ minutes a part of the song is cut off)

track 34             perpetuum mobile

track 50             youme & meyou

track 57             (note: Blixa talking about neun arme and at some point someone on stage turns on the dildo and the

sound makes Blixa stop his speech, laughing and saying: “I thought for a moment that someone had left a little model airplane flying around. It sounded like somebody had released a model airplane in the venue”)

track 59             neun arme/die nacht (M.U.: Blixa’s voice sounds „doubled“ during a couple of parts of the song – also

the screams of different people in the audience after the song sound “doubled”.

track 64             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (51:05)

track 01             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: 2 or 3 seconds of haus der lüge are missing)

track 11             seltener vogel (M.U.: the end of the song is cut off – and also ozean & brandung + paradiesseits are


track 23             grundstück

track 34             (note: Blixa thanking the excellent audience of the evening and saying it feels really good to have such

an audience for the end of the tour)

track 34             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 40             rampe: november

track 48             sabrina




Fano Festival, Italy, 31 July 2004 – venue: Fano Festival

(note: no humming noise on this recording)

cd1 (70:45)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 05             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 11             selbstportrait mit kater

track 18             dead friends (around the corner)

track 23             redukt

track 34             perpetuum mobile

track 49             (note: a guy shouts „Blixa!!” – and Blixa answers and says: “Yes, I know my name. What’s yours?”)

track 49             youme & meyou (note: Blixa forgets to sing the first sentence and they start the song over again)

track 57             neun arme/die nacht

track 62             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 68             haus der lüge/armenia (M.U.: armenia is cut off about 4 seconds after it starts)

cd2 (61:04)

track 01             armenia/rampe (M.U.: only about the last two minutes of armenia is there)

track 08             (note: Blixa saying: „In case you are interested we just made this up“)

track 09             (note: Blixa telling the audience that the show is being recorded – early in his speech he gets upset with

Boris for interrupting him by giving him a sign that the cd has already been changed over)

track 11             seltener vogel

track 21             ozean & brandung

track 22             paradiesseits

track 27             (note: Blixa saying that there are several stories concerning the following piece of music – but he prefers

not to tell any of them because “you all heard them every time I told them”)

track 28             grundstück

track 39             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 44             rampe: november

track 53             sabrina




Krems, Austria, 24 October 2004 – venue: Minoritenkirche

(note: no humming noise on this recording. M.U.: small gaps between tracks)

cd1 (57:40)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 02             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 03             haus der lüge

track 04             armenia/rampe: schöner scheitern

track 05             youme & meyou

track 06             perpetuum mobile

track 07             dead friends (around the corner)

track 08             redukt

cd2 (47:58)

track 01             grundstück (note: blixa taking about 8 mins. to explain and demonstrate “die fünfer” and the four different parts of grundstück)  (hex, “wann”, blixa singing, “chor”, PM grundstück)

track 02             november

track 03             sabrina

track 04             (note: audience clapping)




Krems, Austria, 25 October 2004 – venue: Minoritenkirche

(note: no humming noise on this recording. M.U.: small gaps between tracks)

cd1 (58:15)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 02             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 03             haus der lüge

track 04             armenia/rampe

track 05             youme & meyou

track 06             perpetuum mobile

track 07             dead friends (around the corner)

track 08             redukt

cd2 (46:58)

track 01             rampe (“whump whump whump”, voices on and off, venus kolonie)

track 02             grundstück (note: blixa shortly explaining grundstück and it’s five parts saying the choir will take part) (“wann”, blixa singing, chor)

track 03             was ist ist (note: with choir)

track 04             (note: blixa saying “spontan chor – heute nachmittag zusammengestellt”)

track 04             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 05             (note: audience clapping)




Reggio Emilia, Italy, 28 October 2004 – venue: Teatro Municipale Valli

(note: no humming noise on this recording. M.U.: small gaps between tracks)

cd1 (56:20)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt (M.U.: start missing)

track 02             (note: audience clapping – track is just 4 seconds long)

track 03             die befindlichkeit des landes

track 05             haus der lüge

track 05             armenia/rampe

track 06             (note: audience clapping – track is just 4 seconds long)

track 07             youme & meyou

track 08             perpetuum mobile

track 08             dead friends (around the corner)

track 09             redukt

track 09             (note: blixa saying that first half of the show is concluded and that there will be a break. In second half the supporters’ choir will take part)

cd2 (49:20)

track 01             abgesang („whump whump whump“, venus kolonie)

track 02             grundstück (die fünfer/the fiver) („wann“, blixa singing, chor, november)  

track 03             (note: blixa introducing nagorny karabach and saying they just worked the song out earlier same day)

track 03             nagorny karabach

track 04             ein leichtes leises säusseln       




Berlin, Germany, 3 November 2004 – venue: Palast der Republik

(note: webcast recording)

track 01             abgesang (whump whump whump, venus kolonie)

track 02             (note: Blixa explaining what they will be playing and explaining how supporters should do the drumming on the drumtables)

track 03             rampe

track 04             (note: Blixa explaining the next song: Nagorny Karabach)

track 05             nagorny karabach

track 06             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 07             (note: Blixa introducing the choir and telling them to come up front)

track 08             was ist ist

track 09             rampe (note: EN playing on PDR’s building construction and choir singing)

track 10             grundstück (note: Hex part played on PDR’s building construction – grundstück is the version on PM)

track 11             grundstück („wann“, blixa singing, chor, november)

track 12             (note: Blixa telling people to bring in the drumtables, and trying to get supporters to not start playing yet)

track 13             rampe (EN drumming and supporters drumming on drumtables)




Following show is not officially available for sale on the EN site and this copy did not come from there – therefore it doesn’t have trackmarks every 59 seconds. 

Berlin, Germany, 13 March 2004 – venue: Tempodrom

(M.U.: very loud humming noise throughout this recording)

cd1 (66:25)

track 01             (note: Blixa saying that they are glad to play in Berlin and that it’s been four years since they last played there)

track 01             ich gehe jetzt

track 02             rampe: goodmorning everybody

track 03             selbstportrait mit kater

track 04             dead friends (around the corner)

track 05             redukt

track 06             perpetuum mobile

track 07             youme & meyou

track 08             neun arme

track 08             (note: Blixa making fun of those in the audience who keeps shouting by saying: “ruft doch: “Grateful

Dead”…”Grateful Dead”…”jaaa, smoke on the water”…”jaaa, nicht so laut”…das ist auch gut…das vermisse ich…)

track 09             die befindlichkeit des landes

cd2 (63:03)

track 01             seltener vogel (M.U.: first couple of seconds are missing)

track 02             ozean & brandung

track 02             paradiesseits

track 03             grundstück

track 03             (note: Blixa comparing playing in Berlin with playing in Bielefeld and Winterthur…then telling the audience that he has a nice new suit on…from Italien, Milano, 79.00 EUR)

track 04             ein leichtes leises säusseln

track 05             rampe: (glocken & rohre) “lange, lange, lange, lange, lange…”

track 06             sabrina

track 07             haus der lüge/epilog/armenia

track 08             (note: Blixa introducing the band line up)

track 08             alles
